Rest in peace, Sol

I first heard about what you did in a high-school junior computer science classroom this morning. I knew I hated school shooter fangirls, and you cemented that even further. Of course, I was worried about my family in Denver. The other day, my mom was talking about my uncle's wedding we went to when I was a toddler, and she mentioned that we could see Columbine from the hill it was on.

I checked out a few articles, and one of them mentioned an "online blog" of yours. I moused over the link, and my heart skipped a beat as I realized just who you were. You were one of the people I had grown accustomed to seeing during my walks of boredom down the streets of Neocities — my neighbor. You were the first person I tried to bring to Christ. Maybe you linked to "The Joy of Satan" in retaliation, I can't remember if that was on your links page before the fact or not. I know you made me feel what you felt.

Today I have heard applause and cheers over the death of someone I wanted to have life to the full. Today I have seen the darkness of our human hearts trying so desperately to seek light.

Replica of infamous NATURAL SELECTION t-shirt made to capitalize on lust fueled by blood
Pictured: One of the facets of the true face of the theory of evolution.
Among its peers: Auschwitz, forced sterilization, countless other holes in heads and hearts...